5 Reasons I LOVE my Dorm



Sometime around mid-June before incoming students’ first term at Carleton, 一份臭名昭著的“室友偏好问卷”会发到所有渴望入学的新生的收件箱里. 作为一个好奇的(或者更好的说法是痴迷)刚毕业的高中毕业生, I’d spent HOURS scouring Carleton’s Office of Residential Life and Housing page 试着想象下一年我的住房状况会是什么样.

Freshmen are placed in one of seven dorms: Burton, Cassat, Goodhue, Musser, Myers, Nourse, or Watson (Defne wrote a great blog ranking first-year dorms that I’d suggest reading if you’re unfamiliar with them!) After a month of maddening suspense, reslife finally revealed my dorm assignment; I was officially a resident of Goodhue Hall! 

Generally, 学生们似乎一致认为,古德休是一项艰巨的住宿任务,因为它很远,而且需要长途跋涉穿过湖泊,在冬天的几个月里,这可能是一件痛苦的事情. However, I have to disagree.

Goodhue is a frequently slept-on hidden gem, and now that I’ve lived there for almost two terms, I will valiantly defend it until the very end. 我喜欢我的宿舍的原因有很多,但我把它归结为五个与大家分享.

#1: Proximity to the Rec and Arb

古德休是离校园中心最远的宿舍(其实也没那么远), by the way; it’s only 5ish minutes) means that it’s the closest to some of Carleton’s cool edge-of-campus features like the Rec and the Arb.

作为一个喜欢运动的人,一有机会就去健身房锻炼, 没有比娱乐中心就在我的后门外面更好的借口了. 如果你正在寻找一些能激励你多花一点时间锻炼的东西, Goodhue definitely makes this the easiest of all the dorms!

Even if you’re not a big gym-goer, the Rec also has quite a few other features 包括一个超级有趣的攀岩馆,我发现自己经常去那里. I highly recommend reading George’s blog about getting into climbing!

离阿拉伯人很近也意味着我经常在树林里散步. It’s a great way to decompress and take some time for myself. As a self-proclaimed outdoorsyperson, being in the Arb feeds my soul. 我喜欢在河边的小路上探险,把吊床搭在那里读书! 

#2: Single. Person. Bathrooms.

古德休与其他许多新生宿舍的不同之处在于,它有单人浴室(向一些非常受欢迎的隐私问好)!). 每个浴室都有一个隔间和两个淋浴间,但人们一次只使用一个淋浴间.

这意味着只有一个人在浴室里,所以你可以独享空间. This may seem like a small thing, but it makes a huge difference. For a disorganized person like me, it’s a godsend; I get to leave all my miscellaneous shower supplies around the bathroom while I’m there without disturbing anyone else with my mess! 

#3: A Pretty View

Living just across the Lyman Lakes 这意味着我每天早上去上课的时候都会经过美丽的海滨景色. I’m definitely NOT a morning person, make no mistake, 但是当我有美丽的风景唤醒我的时候,我的一天会开始得更好一些. 如果幸运的话,有时我甚至能瞥见一些水獭在湖里游泳! 我认识的每个古德休居民都有一卷满是湖滨日落的相机, too (seriously; I have a whole folder of these, 而且我很确定这就是我的手机目前没有存储空间的罪魁祸首。). Here are a few of my favorite photos from my walk to and from class:

sunset over lake
lake with green trees
pink sunset over autumn trees and lake

When leaves start to change in the fall, 我可以自信地说,在GG电子官方软件下载的校园里,没有比这更赏心悦目的地方了. 住在古德休肯定会让你认识的每个人都羡慕明尼苏达州大自然的美丽照片. 

#4: The Superlounge

超级休息室是一个巨大的娱乐空间,位于Goodhue的尽头. It’s furnished with many comfy couches, big round tables with lots of chairs, an impressive tv, some ping pong tables, and a couple of vending machines.

big open room with tables, chairs, ping pong, couches
A photo of the (unusually empty!) Superlounge that I took on a nice sunny day during winter term.

The Superlounge is super versatile, making it the ultimate hangout spot; the nice open space and big windows make it inviting at any time of day or night. Goodhue residents basically have the biggest living room on campus! 其他楼的居民也来这里看体育比赛/在电视上玩电子游戏或打乒乓球. 不管你在做什么,这都是一个和朋友一起度过空闲时间的好地方.

#5: The Goodhue Community!

我不知道是什么让好休在促进居民之间的友谊方面做得如此之好, but the Goodhue community is unmatched. This is my absolute favorite part of my dorm. As corny as that sounds, 与它一起来的人真正有责任使它成为一个伟大的居住地.

由于离其他教学楼稍远,很多Goodhue新生都在楼层休息室或超级休息室度过, 所以,只要他们在一起的时间长,他们几乎肯定会成为朋友. 正因为如此,我在GG电子官方软件下载最亲密的朋友碰巧也是我的邻居. 我喜欢走在大厅里,敲开朋友们的门,问他们是否想去吃饭,或者他们是否想去地板休息室闲逛和学习. From what I’ve heard, this is true for most freshmen in the building.

无论是在走廊里的滑稽动作,还是在大厅里即兴演奏, the Goodhue community really is unique, and there’s never a dull moment. 似乎我们是校园里最紧的宿舍(抱歉,不是对其他人抱歉)!


So, 这就是它,风景如画的地理位置和紧密团结的社区, Goodhue is a place I’m proud to call my home. I’m seriously considering spending my sophomore year living there too! 从靠近Rec和Arb等设施到令人惊叹的景色和亲密的友谊, every aspect of Goodhue cultivates an amazing first-year experience. 居民之间史诗般的同志情谊使适应大学生活比我想象的要容易得多,也有趣得多.

如果你是在读这篇文章的新生,最后像我一样被安置在Goodhue, prepare for great dorm life during your first year at Carleton. This place really has a knack for bringing people together. 谢谢你的表情包,Goodhue,我期待在春季学期看到更多的表情包!

Leksi (she/her) is a first-year Carleton student from Colorado Springs, Colorado and a prospective pre-law Psychology or Cognitive Science major. So far, she could not be happier with her college decision! 诺斯菲尔德和GG电子官方软件下载做了一件了不起的工作,为莱克西提供了她茁壮成长所需的五样东西:当地咖啡, music, wilderness, the gym, ice hockey, and (of course!) her friends. She is involved in club ice hockey and the Carleton Association of Nature and Outdoor Enthusiasts (CANOE). If you’re unsure where to find Leksi on campus, 你最好的赌注是第四图书馆的小组桌,或者绝望地迷失在深处的某个地方 arb. Meet the Other Bloggers!